Nottingham: a trip to the legend of Robin Hood

With only 300 thousand inhabitants, the small and peaceful town of Nottingham has reasons to be considered much more than just a tourist destination. Situated in the center of England, Nottingham is the site of a world-renowned legend, more memorable than the town itself. Or have you never heard of Robin Hood, “the prince of thieves”, who robbed the rich to give to the poor!?

Yes, a huge injustice done to a town that isn’t only the famous forest where Robin Hood handed out bags of gold coins to the needy, as told in books, movies and cartoons. Nottingham is home to the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall, one of the main playhouses in England, with presentations for all ages. Not to mention its restaurant, and the incredible 19th century architecture, a show in itself, especially at night, with special lighting. The Lace Market is also outstanding, situated to the north of the Nottingham canal, in the center of town, which is an incredible commercial/cultural center, with museums, shops, restaurants and bars. One of the museums, the Galleries of Justice Museum, holds curious exhibitions, with actors in costume to tell the story of the Nottingham penitentiary system throughout the centuries.

Finally, we’ll speak about Nottingham Castle and the legend of Robin Hood. On a tour of the place, it’s possible to relive medieval history, especially in the forest and in the incredible labyrinth of underground tunnels in the castle, a 17th century palace. A tour for all ages and all types of visitors: from entertainment for friends, a pleasant tour for couples and also for children, who will adore the medieval-style amusement park.

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