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Pets and relocation: the essential guide for moving with little friends

Pets are part of the family of almost half of Brazilians, according to IBGE survey in 2016. Thus, during a process of moving, it is also very important to give the necessary assistance to our companions, as well as to all the family members involved in the event.

Patience with the pets. In the case of animals, the moving process to a new home requires even more time than we do, that we have been able to rationalize this information and, in some way, understand it better. The animals may not understand and feel in danger, which causes a high level of stress during the moving process. So, be patient the first few days with the animal until it feels comfortable and safe with the new home.

Identification is essential. It is worth putting a tag on the leash, in the case of dogs, or an identification microchip. It is introduced under the skin of the animal, in a simple procedure, but that is of great utility for this type of eventuality.

Visit to a vet prior moving. Even though a visit to the vet should be routine regardless of a moving process, it is important that one visit is scheduled before departure, especially in case of international moving, which usually requires a series of tests and vaccines for the animals.

Buy a comfortable house for the trip. If we complain about the hassle of an international trip in terms of comfort, imagine for a dog or cat, that will be caged for a few hours? Thus, the more comfortable the house, the less stressed the animal will be on arrival.

Check the legal procedures for animals in the country of entry. Many countries have a number of requirements for entry and exit of animals from their territory. The measure has the preventive sense of avoiding certain diseases. Therefore, go after the exams and vaccinations required for the change.

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