Post graduation scholarships: German Academic Exchange Service opens enrollment for brazilians

If you’ve always dreamed of living in Germany, this may be the moment to make your dream come true. This is because the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD in German) has opened enrollment for a series of courses in the areas of communication and arts. The opportunity to live in Germany is in the post-graduation programs with diverse durations, and applications open until November 30th. Directed towards recently graduated students or those who are in their last year in Brazilian universities – including graduation/bachelor’s degree, or master’s degree – the selection for the post-graduation program also includes Brazilians who are in the first year of a master’s degree, with or without a scholarship, in Germany, and wish to guarantee or alter the benefit starting from the second year.

“The aim is to enable additional studies in the aforementioned areas, with the possibility of obtaining or not an academic title in a German institution of higher education. Those selected will receive a monthly scholarship of 850 euros for a period of 10 to 24 months, depending on the course chosen, airfare and health insurance. Those interested must choose their preferred institution(s) and apply for the desired course(s) directly to the institution for the 2020/21 semester”, states the communication on the DAAD site.

With the term of application according to the chosen post-graduation program, among the areas of study included in the German Academic Exchange Service announcement are courses in cinema, visual arts, architecture, music, performing arts, design and dance. For instance, enrollment for the architecture course ends on September 30, including sending in all the necessary documents, whereas the deadline for the music program is on October 15th. The selection for the post graduate programs in performing arts and dance is until October 31st. Lastly, the deadline for courses in cinema, visual arts, and design is November 30th.

Those interested in the post-graduation programs in German universities must fill in an application form online, as well as sending a selection of documents that includes: an updated curriculum and a letter of motivation. For the courses in architecture, dance, and performing arts, candidates must also present a letter of recommendation. It’s worth noting that candidates must also present a certificate of proficiency in the language to be used in the course, be it German or English. After the application online, candidates must print a copy of the form issued by the DAAD and mail it to the office of the German Academic Exchange Service in Rio de Janeiro, at the following address:

DAAD Escritorio Regional, Rio de Janeiro

Caixa Postal 62564

22250-970 Rio de Janeiro – RJ

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