Questioned in Brazil, the vaccine passport granted by the SUS opens doors for Brazilians in Portugal

While in Brazil governors and mayors are battling the Federal Government about the recognition of the vaccine passport as a measure for containment of the new coronavirus pandemic, Portugal accepts the document issued by the Brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)(SUS) for entrance in shows, cultural events, cinemas, theaters, bars, restaurants and all other activities that require a proof of immunization. Although not an official recognition, as a requirement for entry into the country, the proof of vaccination has enabled the access of Brazilians to closed spaces, according to a news report by the Folha de São Paulo, which visited these places.

Besides the document issued by the SUS, Portugal accepts the digital certificate of vaccination of the European Union vaccination of the European Union – which attests the complete immunization or recuperation from the new coronavirus for at least six months – and also accepts the documentation of countries that accept the European document in a regime of reciprocity. For Brazilian tourists that do not have the vaccine passport, there is a formal equivalent option: the presentation of a negative PCR test for Covid-19 performed in up to 72 hours, or the antigen test, performed in up to 48 hours before disembarkation on Portuguese soil.

Although very expensive (60 euros – about R$ 380 – for exams type PCR and 30 euros – about R$190 – for antigen tests), testing can be done for free in some health centers in the country. However, in Lisbon, for instance, the search for free tests is surpassing the offer, which produces long queues and a delay of days for the testing. It is worth noting that in last year’s second semester Portugal and Brazil initiated negotiations for a bilateral agreement that validates the vaccination certificates, but, up to now, the process has not advanced.

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