Ranking list of the best countries in the world to work in as an immigrant

Those who are thinking of starting a new life after leaving Brazil must firstly know how they are going to support themselves financially in another country. Therefore, we have listed the countries that offer the most opportunities for those wishing to start a career far from Brazil. Although the first destination that comes to mind in Brazil is the United States, that country is only in sixth place on the list, which is headed by Switzerland for the second consecutive year, followed by Sweden and Germany.

If globalization naturally leads to migration due to professional opportunities in foreign countries, economic crises such as the one Brazil is going through provoke a disorderly exit in search of a new life. In order not to leave the country blindly, it is ideal to study one’s options very carefully, as in the Expat Explorer, a list made by the HSBC bank to guide those who wish to explore new territories. The report concluded that Switzerland is the best country to work and live in, beginning with the value of the salary, a category won handily by Switzerland (US$188,275 a year, corresponding to R$600 hundred thousand, almost twice the world average).

According to Dean Blackburn, responsible for HSBC Expat, a department of the bank dedicated to foreign workers, the list considered more than salary. According to the executive, categories such as quality of life, ease in making friends, adaptation to the new country, and safety were also determinant factors for the ranking.

“Some workers that move to other countries want a fast way to rise in their careers, others seek to amass money, and still others prefer having a better balance between work and personal life”, Blackburn states, explaining the preference for the European countries that hold the first three places in the general ranking.

“Foreign workers place Switzerland at the top of the list not only for the salaries, but also for the sense of well-being. Germany offers more safety at work, and, in the case of Sweden, many workers praised the balance between work and personal life” said Blackburn.

Expat Explorer took into account the opinion of immigrants from 100 different countries, with diverse factors for the ranking of the best countries for building up a career as an immigrant. The online questionnaire was distributed to people over 18 years of age who lived in countries other than their native one. In all, the research was answered by over 27 thousand professionals. Check below the top ten.




4.United Arab Emirates




8.Hong Kong

9.United Kingdom


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