Relocation and school for children: what you need to know

Moving to a new country does not only mean a great professional or academic opportunity, but also a significant change in the life of all the components of a family. And when children are involved in this process, it becomes an even more delicate situation, due to the fact that the individual’s cultural and social formation is not complete, which can create a clash of cultures.

In the long term, however, we know that the experience of living abroad is extremely enriching and will make a great difference to the child’s future. But how to make the short term less traumatizing? Here are some tips can help parents in this delicate time, especially when it comes to choosing the right school for the little ones:

For countries with “strange” languages. No one is required to master an unfamiliar language, especially when it comes to children. If possible, enroll the child on an intensive language course, prior to the moving. This will make the transition more fluid and natural.

Therefore, the process of adapting to a school completely taught in a new language should be done with patience and care. The main tip is to find, together with the pedagogical coordination of an educational institution, an adaptation class to the new language. In English-speaking countries, classes are known as ESL (English as a Second Language). In this case, the student will have a careful pedagogical monitoring regarding the development of skills and proficiency with the new language. Private lessons are also an option for a fast language development – it is worth checking.

Check the philosophy of each institution. For older children, it is important to check the compatibility of the school’s teaching philosophy with the future career desired by the young person.

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