Settling In and management of your new home abroad

There are things that must be demystified, so we can face daily situations in a healthier way. One of these things is the false notion that moving house is one of the causes of Adaptation Disorder, an illness that provokes anxiety and is responsible for the liberation of a heavy load of stress in those who must make a simple change of address. Yes, really simple, if you have specialized help. Just as technology evolves, so does the offer of services, and thus we get to Settling in, one of the products offered by FINK’s Relocation Division to make life easier for those beginning a new life. If we could resume the service in a single phrase, nothing could be truer than saying: “Leave everything to FINK”.

And that’s no exaggeration. It’s convenience. Offered especially to those who have little time – or even disposition – to deal with bureaucratic details, FINK’s Settling in takes care of all the adaptation  to the new city, be it inside or outside one’s native country. The Settling in service deals with every type of hiring and installing the services needed in your new residence. Just inform us of your needs, and presto: you enter your new house with electricity installed in your name, as well as telephone, internet, gas, and even cable TV. Quite different from a conventional move, in which you have to move into the new house and, only then, hire everything. And you still have to take a day off work just to be present when the services are installed. With FINK’s Settling in, your only task is to press the switches and get hold of the remote control.

Besides the Settling in service, there are also several other services on offer, such as, for instance, the maintenance of your residence, hiring daily maids and employees in general, and even buying or renting equipment and furniture. Lastly, way beyond the essential services for your residence, FINK’s Relocation Division also deals with other personal needs: obtaining a visa and all necessary documents for life in the new country, opening an account in the bank of your choice, house hunting, schools, clubs, courses, orientation tours, intercultural training, among other services. Just leave everything to FINK, in order to transform all the bureaucracy and stress into solutions. Know more about Settling in at:

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