Ship or plane? Which is the best option for your international move?

It’s time for your move and even more challenging than transferring your furniture and household items from one point of the city to another, is transporting them internationally. In this respect, you can only feel tranquil as to the safety and speed of the transference if you have the help of a renowned company that holds all the necessary international certificates. Way beyond packing and transportation, FINK offers all the assistance needed for your international documentation, provides customs clearances, and also evaluates the best way to conduct your move, considering, of course, the most economical. One of the necessary decisions is whether to transport by ship or by plane.

In general, transportation of your items by sea represents a greater economy for your international move. This is because the price for quantity and volume is lower, compared to transportation by air. On the other hand, the delivery time is longer than for transportation by air. This detail must be considered, in case you are in a hurry to receive your items in the new country. Depending on the distance between Brazil and the destination country, your move may take many weeks or even a few months to reach the country of your new residence. However, if your move is very small, with little volume or weight, perhaps the move by air will have a lower cost, besides reaching its destination faster. FINK always presents the best cost/benefit solution for its clients.

In transportation by air, just as on a tourist trip, agility is the main advantage over going by sea. The international move by plane is much quicker. In the case of artworks sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, air transportation is always strongly recommended.

International certifications ensure a safe move

FINK has the main quality certifications, including, since the year 2000, the FIDI Accredited International Mover (FAIM), a certificate that testifies the standard of excellence of quality in international moves that is granted annually after an audit by Ernst & Young, a world leader in business consultancies. FINK is proud to be classified as TOP PERFORMER for being 100% in compliance with the over 200 requirements of quality of the FAIM program, developed specifically for International Moves. Another fundamental point for moves in general, but especially for international moves, is the packing of items. In that respect, FINK holds the LACMA PACKERS certificate, issued by LACMA – Latin American and Caribbean International Movers Association after the training of the packers, who become specialized in international packing techniques. Besides these certificates, FINK is also certified by ISO 9001- 2015. Total quality is the major objective in all the services provided by FINK.

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