“In a simple manner, with simplicity” is the dictionary definition for “simply”, root of SimpliFINK, a service created by FINK to facilitate the life of those who are going to begin a new life abroad, but don’t want to leave behind their decorations and personal items. With an accessible price, and minimizing bureaucracy, SimpliFINK is a partnership between FINK and ARPEX BR that ensures efficiency, facility and agility in the project, as the appropriate solution for small and medium volumes that require air shipment during your international move.
Dedicated to those who are going on an exchange program, or going to live temporarily abroad, SimpliFINK frees you of worries about fitting everything into suitcases, providing safe and appropriate boxes for air transportation. Ideal for those who wish to take books, more clothes, musical instruments, skateboard, scooter, or even a bicycle – dismounted, of course – besides other objects, the boxes come in three sizes (length X width X height): small (0.98 X 0.64 X 0.80m), medium (1.57 X 1.25 X 1.32m), and large (1.78 X 1.34 X 1.50m).
By hiring SimpliFINK your worries are over, from the packing to the dispatch of the items. This is because our professionals are responsible for packing and dealing with the process of customs clearance both in Brazil and in the destination country. ARPEX BR is responsible for the air shipment, in a partnership with the best international companies, and the client only needs to provide the necessary documents, besides, of course, being present at the original address and at the destination during the dispatch and delivery of the items.
SimpliFINK for your artworks
SimpliFINK also deals with the safe transportation of your artworks, and is perfect for items that don’t require “museum type” packing. Efficient, safe, and with accessible prices, SimpliFINK for artworks has specialized employees to pack and provide customs clearance for your items, as well as providing shipment on the best airlines.
Know more at: https://www.fink.com.br/mobility/simplifink-en/artwork.html