Manaus-AM: A trip on the lap of Mother Nature

Brazil is a country of continental dimensions, which provides a multitude of different destinations for tourism and visitation. Among them, one of the most beautiful places to visit is the northern region of the country, known mainly for the exuberance and natural diversity of the Amazon rainforest. However, little is known of how diverse and […]

Bonito-MS: an ode to nature

Boasting the World Responsible Tourism Awards 2013, which establishes the best responsible tourism destination on the planet, the name Bonito is self-explanatory to what tourists will find upon arriving in the city. In itineraries that are a true contemplation of nature, the city, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, is marked by […]

Extremoz-RN: get to know the beauties of Genipabu, the Brazilian desert

Negra Beach – one of the most famous in the area. However, it is impossible to speak of the city without remembering the famous Park of the Dunes of Genipabu! The curious thing, however, is that it is not in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, but in a neighboring municipality: Extremoz-RN.

Jalapão-TO State Park: an expedition to the North of Brazil

Created in 2001, by the State Law 1,203, the Jalapão State Park (PEJ) is a true ode to nature. Ideal destination for lovers of ecotourism, it is part of the Conservation Units of Integral Protection of the State of Tocantins, destined to the preservation of its natural resources.

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