Settling In and management of your new home abroad

There are things that must be demystified, so we can face daily situations in a healthier way. One of these things is the false notion that moving house is one of the causes of Adaptation Disorder, an illness that provokes anxiety and is responsible for the liberation of a heavy load of stress in those […]

We want to congratulate FINK for the excellent work

We want to congratulate FINK for the excellent work (packing and transportation) and all the employees that were involved in this service. They have shown professionalism, responsibility, characteristics that are more and more rare in our country. I want to thank everybody at FINK for the politeness of our relationship during all this moving process. […]

A breath of fresh air

Moving house is a great challenge. Packing your belongings, your furniture, your appliances, your works of art safely is a great challenge. When this is done by someone not up to the task, the result isn’t always satisfactory, due to damages caused during the process. If it’s an international move, or if the goods are […]

Why do we move? (And why it’s so marvelous).

What do you remember of your history lessons? More specifically, of Pre-History? Still in our teens, we learn about the customs of the first human beings to inhabit the Earth. Many of those customs have been changed nowadays, while others persist, even after thousands of years. One of them is nomadism, in which groups wander […]

Moving without fear – The benefits of a new life

You have lived in the same house for years, and each part of it holds a memory. You decorated it and made it a home. No, it isn’t easy to let go and leave everything behind. It’s natural to be attached to the old and afraid of the new. What if the new house isn’t […]

The versatile generation: why young people are increasingly moving house

At the age of 30, Maria has already travelled to eight countries and knows dozens of cities throughout Brazil. Differently from her parents when they reached the third decade of their lives, the young lady doesn’t own a house or a car. Frankly, Maria doesn’t seem to care about that. Maria, a fictitious name, represents […]

Maritime insurance and moves: what is essential to know

Over the years, sea transportation has become an increasingly safe and reliable means of international moving. Currently, the protection levels to all furniture are excellent – this is, in part, due to the high level of training of the packers, as well as the development of new technologies that make each step of the process […]

How to adapt your pet to a new home

If you have a pet, it is important to also worry about their adaptation to the new home. Dogs and cats are usually sensitive to routine breakdown, and when this happens, the most common reactions are frequent heartbeats and tearing, unexpected bites and scratches, and even urination outside the trained site.

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