As maravilhas de morar na pequena Zagreb

Há pouco tempo, durante a final da Copa do Mundo 2018, os olhares do mundo inteiro se voltaram às duas capitais dos finalistas: Paris, na França, e Zagreb, na Croácia, coincidentemente da mais famosa até uma das menos badaladas cidades europeias. Mesmo que, assim como no futebol, não dê para concorrer com o charme de […]

The wonders of living in small Zagreb

A short time ago, during the finals of the World Cup, the eyes of the whole world were on the capitals of the finalists: Paris, in France, and Zagreb, in Croatia – coincidentally, from one of the most famous to one of the least trendy towns in Europe. Even though, just as in football, it’s […]

A natureza feroz que rodeia Reykjavik, capital da Islândia

Nem a forte e séria crise financeira vivida pela Islândia em 2008 abalou sua capital Reykjavik. Cercada por uma natureza feroz e viva, que conta com um rigoroso inverno, geleiras, vulcões ativos, a capital islandesa é o destino perfeito para os amantes da natureza.

The wild nature that surrounds Reykjavik, capital of Iceland

Not even the serious financial crisis suffered by Iceland in 2008 affected its capital, Reykjavik. Surrounded by wild and vivid nature that includes rigorous winters, glaciers and active volcanos, the capital of Iceland is the perfect destination for nature lovers.

How about living in the happiest country in the world? Know Finland

Surely you’ve sometimes thought of moving to another country and starting a new life, in search of happiness. However, among your possible choices, you may never have included Finland, right? A sad mistake, because this Nordic country is, nowadays, the happiest place in the world, according to the United Nations’ World Happiness Report. The document […]

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