The ideal residence for the elderly

Elderly people and children have special needs in a residence. Just as we prepare our home for the arrival of a baby, we should also do the same on the arrival of someone of advanced age. Whereas the presence of children requires protection, such as shielded wall sockets and protective screens on windows, for the […]

It is the top company of Rio de Janeiro

Excellent. Great competent and kind team. Thanks to the good will and keen team, work was effected with speed and in a careful manner, with a lot of care and without any damage. Congratulations to the company for the excellent quality of its employees, thanks to the team and, of course, to the Management. It […]

What is Compliance? And what does it mean to your international move

Have you ever heard of compliance? This word comes from the word comply, and represents the act of obeying an established rule because you agree with it. It´s different from professional order, that is, it isn´t an imposition, but accepted by those who conform to the internal and external commands, rules and regulations. And why […]

Wonderful, impeccable and fast service

I declare that the Fink team was wonderful, impeccable and fast service. All perfect with no damage. This is why I chose Fink, that has serviced me about 7 yaers ago.

How to make friends in a new city

Moving house is a challenge. Moving to another city is an even greater challenge. No matter that novelty always brings possibilities for a better life, it’s scary, isn’t it? Not even the opportunity for learning a new culture, adopting new habits, besides the chance for a healthier, calmer life, lessen the fear of the still […]

Leaving the nest. Tips for those who are leaving their parents’ house

According to the latest census taken in Brazil – in 2010 by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) – leaving home isn’t easy for young Brazilian adults.* For the men, it’s even harder. Most of the women start living on their own at an average of 23 […]

The versatile generation: why young people are increasingly moving house

At the age of 30, Maria has already travelled to eight countries and knows dozens of cities throughout Brazil. Differently from her parents when they reached the third decade of their lives, the young lady doesn’t own a house or a car. Frankly, Maria doesn’t seem to care about that. Maria, a fictitious name, represents […]

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