I command them for their hard work

My wife and I are extremely satisfied with your team who showed up on time, and demonstrated high end professionalism. I command them for their hard work.

ANAC updates protocols to increase safety for passengers during trips

Even with the rhythm of vaccination quite unequal among countries, tourism will gradually increase between 2021 and 2022. The increase in trips, especially international ones, cannot happen without safety, not only for travelers but also for those who work in airports. Foreseeing the possible increase in the number of flights in the forthcoming periods, ANAC updated the information on […]

ANAC atualiza protocolos para aumentar segurança de passageiros durante viagens

Mesmo com o ritmo de vacinação ainda bastante desigual entre os países, especialmente entre os do hemisfério norte e os do hemisfério sul, é provável que as viagens turísticas comecem a aumentar gradativamente entre 2021 e 2022. O aumento de viagens, principalmente as internacionais, não pode vir desacompanhado da segurança tanto para quem viaja quanto […]

Aplicativo criado pela Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo orienta viajantes sobre testes e vacinas contra a Covid-19

É inegável que a Covid-19 mudou a forma como viajamos, especialmente de avião. Para que o fluxo de viagens internacionais possa ser retomado, cada vez mais serão exigidos certificados de saúde, como testes e vacinações. Pensando no enorme desafio de reunir e disponibilizar informações sobre exigências sanitárias, a Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA, na […]

App created by the International Association of Air Transport informs travelers about tests and vaccines against Covid-19

It’s undeniable that Covid-19 has changed our way of traveling, especially by plane. In orderto regain the flux of international trips, health certificates such as tests and vaccinations will be increasingly required. Thinking about the huge challenge of gathering and providing information about sanitary requirements, the International Association of Air Transport (IATA) has developed an app that promises […]

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