FINK guarantees all the care needed for a move that includes pets

Friends are never left behind. The many changes in our lives lead us to change dwellings, and even move to different cities, states or countries. And when this happens, we must understand that our pets are not like old furniture that can be given away, sold or abandoned somewhere. The first thought that comes to mind when we […]

Do Rio ao Canadá: nossa participação nas aventuras de Maple

Da escaldante areia das praias cariocas para a congelante neve das ruas de Toronto, no Canadá, esse foi o caminho traçado pela Família Ribas e por Maple, sua integrante canina. Uma mudança de vida com tantas novidades e providências a tomar, não poderia passar por dificuldades no translado entre os países. Foi então que o […]

From Rio to Canada: our participation in Maple’s adventure

From the burning sands of Rio’s beaches to the freezing snow of Toronto’s streets, in Canada: this was the route followed by the Ribas family and by Maple, its canine member. A change in life with so much novelty and so many measures to be taken couldn’t face difficulties in the move between countries.

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