Exchange after the pandemic? Check out our tips for success
Planning is the key to a painless move.
Guarda-móveis podem ser opção para reforma em casa
Galpões podem abrigar móveis e objetos durante obra e evitar transtornos.
Warehouses may be the option when renovating your home
Warehouses can shelter furniture and objects during the work and avoid problems.
Aplicativo criado pela Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo orienta viajantes sobre testes e vacinas contra a Covid-19
É inegável que a Covid-19 mudou a forma como viajamos, especialmente de avião. Para que o fluxo de viagens internacionais possa ser retomado, cada vez mais serão exigidos certificados de saúde, como testes e vacinações. Pensando no enorme desafio de reunir e disponibilizar informações sobre exigências sanitárias, a Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA, na […]
App created by the International Association of Air Transport informs travelers about tests and vaccines against Covid-19
It’s undeniable that Covid-19 has changed our way of traveling, especially by plane. In orderto regain the flux of international trips, health certificates such as tests and vaccinations will be increasingly required. Thinking about the huge challenge of gathering and providing information about sanitary requirements, the International Association of Air Transport (IATA) has developed an app that promises […]
Permuta ou troca de imóveis cresce até 30% na pandemia
Transações acontecem pela dificuldade de vendas de imóveis e pressa na mudança, no contexto atual.
Permutation or exchanging real estate has grown 30% in the pandemic
Transactions happen due to the difficulty in selling real estate and the haste to move in the present context.
Dicas para melhorar a convivência com roommate durante a pandemia
Confira as dicas para melhorar a convivência de quem está passando muito tempo na mesma casa.
Tips to improve coexistence with roommate during the pandemic
Check out the tips to improve coexistence with whoever is spending a lot of time in the same house with you.
Service was exceptional, different from all moves of my live, we didn´t have any typo of stress.
Service was exceptional, different from all moves of my live, we didn´t have any typo of stress.