Tourism in Europe: new cases of Covid-19 alter security protocols

With the rise of new cases of Covid-19 in Europe, the main members of the Old Continent have begun to adopt special measures for the containment of the pandemic, especially three countries that usually receive many Brazilians. Beginning with Portugal, even though considered the most vaccinated country in the world. This is because the Portuguese president, Marcelo Revelo de […]

Gostaríamos de agradecer todo o suporte em nossa mudança!

Gostaríamos de agradecer todo o suporte em nossa mudança! Os profissionais foram incríveis, atenciosos, educados, prestativos! O trabalho foi impecável! Muito obrigada por todo o suporte e sempre que nos perguntarem, indicaremos a FINK!

We would like to thank you for all the support for our move!

We would like to thank you for all the support for our move!! The professionals were amazing, attentive, educated and helpful!! The service was impeccable!! Thank you very much for all the support and whenever anybody asks we will recommend FINK!

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