Discover charming Bangkok

Thailand’s historical and cultural center, and main political and financial spot, Bangkok is the capital and most populous city in the Asian country, with a population of over 8.2 million inhabitants, and a metropolitan area encompassing over 14 million people (12% of the country’s population). Situated on the margins of the Chao Phraya River, on […]

Viva Las Vegas: know the liveliest city in the world

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when the subject is Las Vegas? Land of luxury resorts, casinos, home to great sports events, unusual weddings, and lots of buzz. The clichés are trustworthy, and there are two things you can be sure of about the most densely populated city in the state of Nevada, […]

Viva Las Vegas: conheça a cidade mais agitada do mundo

Qual a primeira coisa que vem à sua cabeça quando o assunto é Las Vegas? Terra de luxuosos resorts, cassinos, sede de grandes competições esportivas, casamentos inusitados – e temáticos – e muita badalação. Os clichês são fidedignos e há duas certezas para a cidade mais populosa é mais densamente populosa do estado de Nevada, […]

Living in Tokyo: the wonders of one of the world’s largest metropolises

Make no mistake about the 9.7 million inhabitants registered in Tokyo, about half of Rio de Janeiro’s population. This is because Japan’s capital has the most densely populated urban area on the planet – if we consider the Metropolitan Region – with 37 million people illuminated by the place that also boasts another title: the […]

Sharpen all your senses on a trip to Marrakesh

Situated in the mid-southwest of Morocco, Marrakesh is known as the “pearl of the south”, and is one of the country’s four imperial cities, together with Fez, Mequinez and Rabat. The fourth biggest city in Morocco, it is also the one that attracts the most tourists, especially in the spring and autumn, since the temperatures […]

Nottingham: a trip to the legend of Robin Hood

With only 300 thousand inhabitants, the small and peaceful town of Nottingham has reasons to be considered much more than just a tourist destination. Situated in the center of England, Nottingham is the site of a world-renowned legend, more memorable than the town itself. Or have you never heard of Robin Hood, “the prince of […]

Nottingham: uma viagem à lenda de Robin Hood

Com apenas 300 mil habitantes, a pequena e pacata cidade de Nottingham, uma autoridade unitária da Inglaterra, guarda motivos para ser considerada muito mais do que um destino turístico, mas, sim, uma opção de moradia. Localizada ao centro do país, Nottingham é sede de uma lenda mundialmente conhecida, em lembrança muito mais conhecida que a […]

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