The home office has come to stay, but the work Market will be hybrid, says Linkedin director

The executive lists the rights and wrongs of the new work routine imposed by social distancing.

During the new coronavirus pandemic, among the main lessons learned by those leading the work Market is that, despite the challenges, the home office is an essential system in emergency situations, such as the need for social isolation to contain the proliferation of a virus. The performance of remote work also proved that it was a completely possible alternative, and not only futuristic, for companies that had never adopted that format. Proof of this is that the subject was a highlight in many talks at Expert XP 2020, in predictions for next year made by lecturers at the investment conference.

During his pronouncement on the panel “The Present and the Future of Business in the Digital Ambience”, the Managing Director of Linkedin in Latin America, Milton Beck, warned about the challenges of remote work, as well as about the need for adaptation by companies and professionals after the end of social isolation. According to the executive of the social network specialized in work markets, the pandemic has opened a no return path for the adoption of the home office, even if not fully.

“Companies that did not believe in the viability of the home office began to believe in it more, and employees that believed the home office would be the solution for their lives now think it’s good to spend a few days at home and a few at the office. So we are moving towards an intermediate world from now on”, stated the executive, also showing concern about the fact that professionals work more extra hours during isolation.

“With the change in rhythm, some people got scared, afraid of losing their jobs. They started working more hours, answering e-mails at every moment, and lost the notion of their old routine of waking up, working, having a leisure moment, resting and sleeping. It all became the same”, warned Beck, presenting one of the solutions for this situation.

“The direct leadership must establish communication routines, understanding that people aren’t going through the best of times, that some of them look after their children during worktime, so that the same levels of productivity are not to be expected. Communication comes first, and empathy comes next: understanding that if one person thinks the home office is great, this doesn’t mean that it’s great for everybody else”, he concluded

Our employees’ health is a priority for FINK. To that end, we have accomplished an intense job of readjustment of spaces, as well as disinfection of ambiences, to ensure the safety of our collaborators. We have applied the preventive actions against the new coronavirus in a rigorous protocol that follows all the guidelines of Health organizations. Thus, we can guarantee our objective: balancing our employees’ dedication to their families with work and leisure.

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