The search increases for buildings that are sustainable and adapted for home office

The possibility for remote work has intensified greatly due to the pandemic.

After nearly a year and a half of the new coronavirus pandemic and the resulting social isolation, everyone practically knows by heart every detail of the house where they live. Even after the start of vaccination, the anxiously awaited “new normal” has yet to begin, and leaving the house for a simple walk, or going back to the office for a day of work are activities still not on most people’s list. And this abrupt change in lifestyle has caused a phenomenon: buying or renting country houses in order to be able to work or study at home but, at the same time, to have a yard to enjoy the outdoors during breaks.

The aim is simple: besides a chance of being isolated in a place with less probability of contagion by Covid-19, many people who live in large urban centers feel a lack of clean air, silence and contact with nature. And if, before the pandemic, this possibility couldn’t even be considered due to working and studying in person, nowadays all one needs is the infrastructure necessary for remote activities, with a rapid and stable internet connection.

And the Market is warming up: since last February, this is the first time the real estate market has shown good results. The information comes from a study by the Associação Brasileira de Incorporadoras Imobiliárias (Abrainc) in partnership with the Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (Fipe). And, according to the Câmara Brasileira da Indústria da Construção, the reopening of the economy, mainly due to the advances in vaccination, promises an even more heated real estate Market in this year’s second semester: this, if we consider that, in the first six months of 2021 residential real estate sales presented an increase of 27.1%.

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