Three challenges expats face and how to overcome them

Building a life in a new country is a fantastic experience. It makes us grow personally, and also means a significant gain in professional points that are very important to anyone’s life.

However, it’s obvious that such a major issue as changing countries also brings a series of challenges. This is normal, everyone who decides to face a new moment such as this will undergo them. The good thing is that they eventually disappear, and everything becomes easier in the long run.

The first big issue is subjective: making friends and creating relationships. The majority of expatriates, when planning a move abroad, reduce the importance of social relationships. Some people think they can live well by themselves. Others believe they are skilled in making new friends. However, most of them suffer some kind of frustration along the way.

It’s important, from the first moment, to be realistic about what will happen. Creating new relationships is a long process that should be stimulated daily in the new country. It is essential to meet people that come from the same native country, that have similar tastes, that are connected to one’s school or job, or for any other reason. In international schools, there are associations connected to consulates and multinationals, groups that develop an excellent social integration. Since they are groups formed by expatriates with the same nationality or language, it’s easier to make new friends. Underestimating this need leads to the longest way to stabilizing social contacts.

The second challenge is financial. It’s very important to know how the market works for foreigners in the destination location. Some countries are more open to offering good conditions for credit and financing to the newly-arrived. Others, however, tend to be more conservative. A good relocation team can evaluate the situation and plan the best strategy to avoid trouble when arriving in a new nation.

Finally, language can be a great barrier when the expat does not have full command of the language before moving, no matter how similar it may be to Portuguese, in the case of Brazilian expats, for instance. It’s very important to invest in an intensive learning course, if that is the case. Besides offering greater confidence at work or at school, it leaves you more open to knowing your new home, making friends and living life at its fullest.

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