Three european countries for an excellent post-graduation course

In the current work market, it’s more and more important to invest in education, in order to ensure advantages in comparison with competitors. An excellent example of this is taking post-graduation courses in European public universities, which offer excellence at good prices.

Know about these three great options in countries whose universities have renowned courses at low prices, where you can improve your education.

The first tip is Portugal. Beyond the obvious advantage of the Portuguese language, the country’s public universities offer great post-graduation courses that are famous all over Europe. 

The University of Lisbon, for instance, is renowned internationally for its department of Literature and English Language. In general, Portuguese academic centers have a good rate of acceptance of Brazilian candidacies. Furthermore, it’s important to mention our cultural proximity, which facilitates adaptation to life there.

Next is Germany. On the whole, the country offers 800 programs in English, an entrance facilitator, and charges a symbolic value for enrollment by post-graduation students. There are several specialities, with good universities in every field of study.

On the internet, it’s possible to research your area of interest to find the specific program for you in Germany. Post-graduation students also have a great facility with regard to research scholarships, which are an excellent source of income during the years abroad.

Finally, France offers excellent kinds of academic programs, together with low prices for students. If the student chooses to study in French, he/she can have access to the country’s public universities, which cost between 200 and 400 euros per year. It’s a great opportunity for students of Humanities, since France is the major birthplace of the 20th century’s philosophical schools.

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