Visa exemption between Brazil and the United Arab Emirates by presidential decree.

The aim is to develop bilateral relations and strengthen the cooperation that exists between the two nations.

If you’re seeking a professional opportunity to restart your life in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the wealthiest countries in the world for its gross national product (GNP) per capita, the Brazilian government is going to make your life easier. According to the Decree number 9.399, Brazilians and Emiratis are exempt from visas for entry into each other’s countries. Aiming to develop bilateral relations and strengthen the cooperation that exists between the two countries, visitors may travel through the territory of each one of the two countries without needing any document except a passport. Valid for tourism or business, the agreement permits a stay of up to 90 days per year.

Thus, to enter the Arab Emirates, all you need is a valid passport, but if you wish to work or study there, you’ll need a study or work visa. The agreement between the governments of Brazil and the UAE benefits both common passports and diplomatic and special ones. Signed during a visit by the Emirati Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheik Abdullah Ben Sultan Al Nahyan to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty), it is a measure from the federal plan Brazil+Tourism – a program to facilitate visas in order to reinforce the tourism sector – and is a prevision of diplomatic advances with the Arab Government. The prevision is that by the end of 2018 the United Arab Emirates will announce the opening of an office of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo, the eighth of its type in the whole world. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, the expected result for the measures from the Brazil+Tourism is an increase of 25% in the arrival of foreigners to the country, based on data from the World Tourism Organization. Understand the three types foreseen in the agreement between the nations.

1 – “Tourism purposes” is understood as a recreational, informative, cultural trip, with other objectives that do not characterize activities remunerated by local sources in the territory of the other country.

2 – “Transit purposes” is understood as the need for citizens of one nation to travel in the territory of the other nation in order to reach a destination country.

3 – “Business visit” is understood as a visit from citizens of one of the countries who don’t do paid work in the territory of the other one in order to look for commercial opportunities, participate in meetings, sign contracts, as well as for exercising activities such as coordination or administration.

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