What determines the success or failure of an immigration process?

Being designated by your company to work outside your native country can be a great experience, extremely beneficial for the employee as well as for the company. However, this type of task is not risk-free, and, according to the INSEAD (the French acronym for European Institute of Business Administration), the possibility of failure in this category can be close to 50%, if the cultural training and the organization of the transference are not done with the utmost care by specialized professionals.

Several factors can jeopardize the experience of immigration. Some of a personal nature, some of a professional nature, all of them can have bad consequences and bring to a premature end the work that should have been done.

Therefore, it is basic that the planning for this type of project be done seriously and in detail. The choice of the collaborator in this type of challenge is an important and basic measure, as well as the creation and organization of an adequate infrastructure in the destination country. For a fluid and tranquil process, it is essential to hire a company specialized in relocation. However, great care must be taken to hire the right company, choosing among those that are affiliated to the industry’s main international associations, such as the Employee Relocation Council (ERC), the European Relocation Association (EuRA), among others. This adds credibility and trustworthiness to the relocation company.

Both the company and the employee must prepare in advance so that everything runs smoothly. The transferee must engage seriously in his cultural training, because, after all, each country has its own culture, and the ways people communicate differ greatly from country to country. The transferee and his family must go through the training, in order to conform to the culture of their new country, because problems in this regard can put the project at risk.

The hiring of a company specialized in relocation, that will guide the family in the choice of their home, of a school for the children, that will give them information regarding the basic items necessary for their adaptation to a new city, such as clubs, courses, markets, etc., plays a very important role in the family’s adaptation, allowing the employee to focus on his new work challenge.

The manner in which the immigrant will be received in the new workplace is also essential to the success or failure of the project. Possibly, there will be someone in charge of helping the expatriate to adapt, both professionally and personally. And this “host” will play a fundamental role in the adaptation, being one of the main reasons for success or failure.

It is also important that the expatriate maintains ties to his native country, since he is in a new location, where everything is different and he knows very few people, or perhaps even none. This can make the individual feel isolated, and may cause a premature flight home.

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