What makes the millennial generation so mobile?

One of the great teachings that many heard from parents and grand-parents was the value of a stable work career. In fact, climbing all the levels of a company for decades was the great ideal of life for many people. However, that has changed.

The generation of young adults that comprises the current workplace, the millennials, are breaking that rule. One of the major features of this generation’s personality is their detachment from their location. If the opportunity that interests them is in another town, or even country, no problem. They move.

This behavior is based on several issues of the contemporary world. First of all, we’re going through an economic moment that favors a volatile work market. Due to the great need for reinvention on the part of enterprises, it’s very hard for employees to remain on the job for very long.

Therefore, this mentality may be a result of the current economic structure. Millennials are also an archetype of highly educated youth. The lack of demand for their qualified manpower caused by the crises we’ve gone through in the last ten years may have affected their world view.

However, there’s also a cultural aspect. Millennials grew up in a globalized, interconnected world. This makes them more familiarized with unknown places and cultures, which also helps them to live in those places.

In this context, it’s important for us to be prepared to attend to this public in an appropriate manner. Since the changes are structural and have produced a new mindset, it is, in fact, necessary to adapt to them. Moving companies must be open to rethinking their products, if necessary, in order to better understand the needs of a new public.

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