When moving house, think of the environment

Small changes in attitude can lead to a wave of improvements when the subject is the environment. Thinking of the future of our planet, sustainability should be present in every moment of life, as, for instance, when moving house. Exploring the opportunity of looking over our belongings and deciding what to leave behind and what to take on our new endeavor, we can donate, discard appropriately, or even recycle items, including those to be used for transportation.

With this in mind, Fink presents GreenFINK, a type of service for local transportation, dedicated to the preservation of the environment. To that end, Fink promotes a literally sustainable move, that is, by using natural resources in a conscientious way, without compromising the needs of future generations. This respectful interaction with what nature offers us is done through a measure that is both simple and effective: the use of eco-sustainable packing and materials.

The advantage for the client is immediate: the use of lower cost resources, which does not, in any way whatsoever, reduce the quality or safety of the service, represents a reduction in the value paid for the transportation. Exclusively for local moves, GreenFINK takes full responsibility for the whole operation: from the analysis of the items, through the planning and packing of belongings, and ending with their safe transportation, all done by experienced professionals. The planet will be grateful.


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