Why counting on a professional relocation team has become more important than ever

The year 2020 brought us a completely unexpected global-scale problem. This situation has clearly affected the confidence of expatriates to change countries, and has placed those who are abroad in a vulnerable position.

In every case, the need for a professional relocation consulting for something that has always been important for the good adaptation of an expatriate has reached a level of even greater importance. This is due to a series of reasons that are connected in some way to the reality that is being built from the return to normality that is happening in many countries.

The first great insecurity of the potential expatriate, within the current context of our lives, is the safety of the destination country. In the legal scope, there are concerns regarding the possibility of obtaining and maintaining visas, contracts for rental or purchase of cars, among other issues that are important for organizing anyone’s life.

This type of problem, in many cases, is solved by information. Countries have adopted different measures with regard to the new coronavirus crisis. In some cases, with protectionist measures, while others continue with their immigration policy normalized. The position taken by each nation as a State affects the access policies for immigrants. This whole context must be studied by relocation professionals in order to guide the expat in the best possible way.

Another very concerning factor is in a subjective spectrum of life: the fear of not being accepted. Feelings of hatred towards immigrants have appeared lately in several countries in the world, and the tendency of a post-pandemic context is to make this situation even more complex and fierce.

Besides being an extremely dangerous context for a good social relationship between anyone, xenophobia is a terrible social disease for global relocation. The plurality of cultures, worldviews, and thinking is what makes people from different places on the planet be hired for the same team.

It is the wealth of repertory that generates creativity and renovation, and not extremism. Relocation professionals must be aware of this issue, always warning expats to adopt firm and positive attitudes in any situation.

Finally, it’s always extremely important to understand specifically the circumstances of each and every expat. The intelligence of a well informed and well trained team, ready to respond to complex demands, is essential at the moment we are going through.

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